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What tests to get and how to get them

In order to get a thorough picture of the dynamics of mineral balance in your body and how your system has been responding to stress, it is helpful to get certain tests done. 


In Australia

If you are in Australia you may want to ask your Doctor which lab tests can be ordered and bulk billed for you, and get the extras done privately. This will mean two separate trips to the collection centre, and a return trip to the GP to get your results. Alternatively, you can get them all done privately in one go. 

I recommend using the website, imedical. You will order and pay online, print out a form to take with you to the pathology centre, and the results will be emailed to you. 

Go to "build your own" (see button below) and choose the tests you want from the drop down menu. If you are ordering them all from imedical, go to the "iron studies" button and add the extra tests.






Outside Australia

Please see the article on the Root Cause Protocol official website here to learn more about how to get lab tests done in your country. For any questions or guidance, please contact me.



Blood tests


Serum Ferritin: This measures the protein that stores Iron in the tissues.

Serum Iron: This measures “efficiency” of Iron; similar to measuring miles-per-gallon (MPG) in a car.

Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC): Also measured as % saturation. This measures how many “docking stations” are available for Iron.

Serum Transferrin: This measures the key “transport” protein that “recycles” Iron from tissue back into the blood stream.

Haemoglobin: A protein responsible for transporting Oxygen. Approximately 70% of our iron is in the haemoglobin.

Serum Copper: Serum Copper Measures the total amount of Copper in your blood. 

Serum Caeruloplasmin: A marker of “bio-available” Copper, which regulates Iron. (Measures the level, not the activity)

Magnesium RBC (Red Blood Cell): Measures the amount of Magnesium inside the red blood cells. In Australia at the moment, this test is not available.

Plasma Zinc: Measures the amount of Zinc in plasma/serum. 

Vitamin A (Retinol): Measures the amount of “active” Vitamin A in your blood. 

Vitamin D: 25[OH] (or 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D, or Vitamin D3): Measures the amount of “storage” Vitamin D (or Calcidiol) in your blood.

Vitamin D: 1, 25 [OH]2D3 (or 1, 25 dihydroxy Vitamin D): Measures the amount of "active" Vitamin D (or Calcitriol) in your blood.



Hair tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

In Australia, this test is ordered through InterClinical Laboratories. If you decide to go ahead with HTMA, please contact me for the order forms and hair collection envelope. Your results will be sent to me and I will contact you to book a time to go through them with you.

If ordering independently, choose Profile 1 plus boron.

Please click here to view the information page on how to take your hair sample. 


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